Thursday, June 26, 2014


We made it!

I had hoped to post some incredible pictures to jazz up the blog a bit, but unfortunately, I am at a library that evidently has some pretty ancient computer technology.  So, very sorry, but you'll have to wait until we can find a good working computer.

In the meantime, I'll give you some updates on our hiking adventure thus far (our first 105 miles):


1.  Fortunately, we have only been caught in one lightening storm so far, and we were amongst some safe trees instead of on a ridge (thank God).  It was still a little scary, but it's expected out here.  The weather patterns are amazingly consistent so far: clear, blue skies in the morning, small cloud formations over the mountains around 11am or 12pm, and then thunder and potential rain around 1pm or 2pm, sometimes later.  It's incredible.  In fact, Ben and I were on Georgia Pass, our highest point yet at about 12,000 feet, and around 11am, we literally saw a cloud forming before our eyes, right above our heads!

2.  We've seen lots of exciting animal poop, but not a lot of animal sightings yet.  We've seen a lot of moose poop and prints, some bear poop, and we've seen a lot of little critters like squirrels and chipmunks.  We've had a few deer sightings, but we're hoping to see a moose (from afar!) before our trip ends.  They are pretty elusive.  We did have information come to us that there was evidence of a bear near where we had camped on our second night.  Good thing we hung our food!  :)

3.  Mosquitoes: the little buggers have not been terrible yet, but we've hit some fierce pockets of them here and there.  My solution is usually long pants and a rain coat.  It works pretty well.

4.  Foot problems!  Ben and I are both battling foot issues, from large blisters to just plain painful feet.  I think it will get better as we go along.  Blisters and pain are mostly to be expected when going on such a long trek.  Ben seems to lack padding in his shoes, so he bought some insoles here in Breckenridge in hopes of helping.

5.  Temps: it seems we go from cold to hot very quickly.  Our coldest night so far as been 32 degrees, and our highest temp has probably been upper 70s (thanks for the thermometer, David!).  We often bundle up only to quickly take off our layers as we hike--and then put the layers back on again when we stop for a break.

6.  Snow drifts: well, the inevitable has hit.  We finally went through some of this infamous snow everyone keeps talking about.  We had about 2 miles of climbing up and over large snow drifts, often plummeting down into them as we "postholed" up to our waist.  Needless to say, it was slooooow travel, but we made it.  I even slid down a couple of them.  Rather than get too frustrated, we tried to see it as a challenge and spent some time laughing at each other when we fell through.  We anticipate more snow as we head out of Breckenridge.  I will say this: it is EXHAUSTING hiking over and through large drifts.  I think we each ate extra dinner that night.  

7.  Altitude: though neither of us has experienced too much of a problem with altitude, we've definitely noticed a bit of a struggle to breath as we hike up to higher altitudes.  We especially noticed on our way up to Georgia Pass yesterday--Ben seemed ok but I was drawing in air like I had been underwater holding my breath!  I think it will get better as we continue south and get acclimated a bit more.

So far, the trip has been everything it was expected to be.  The mountains are gorgeous, of course, and we've experienced a lot of variety of landscape, from meadows to the bare open space above tree line. We've had time to talk about some of our "topics" on a list we made pre-departure, and we've had times of silence as we hike together.  I often forget how important silence is.  When I feel drowned in the noise of computers, cars, people, music, technology, machines, etc., I forget how important it is to escape and experience silence.  It was much welcomed, and I hope I can bring some of that peace back with me into my everyday, often chaotic life.

Ben went to the post office to send some stuff back home, otherwise I'd have him say a bit or two.  I'm sure he would remember some of the funnier things that have happened.  I will try to have him do a post in Leadville.

Thanks to everyone who has been praying for us.  God has kept us safe and healthy, and we appreciate all of your support.

Our next stop: Leadville (about 66 miles away).  We have a box waiting for us at the hostel there in town and hope to make it in on July 1st!

Happy trails to you!


Hatteras Jack and Do-Rag

P.S.  Our next stop before leaving Breckenridge: the local rec center so we can take showers!!!!!!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you guys…. great entry! Can't imagine running into some of that stuff! Been thinking of you, and this adds even more to the mental image. ;) Glad going well, sending good energy and can't wait to see your pics… hope that was just the worst of the snow!!
