Saturday, August 9, 2014

Final Post

We both had good intentions, but life has finally caught up to us--bills, jobs, relationships, and a lot of decisions.  Reflecting on the trail has taken a back burner, and it may be months before we even tap some of the lessons learned from our adventure.  To us, the trail did serve a greater spiritual purpose that, I think, is still being realized.  

In the meantime, I think it is time to close the blog and leave the trail life behind as we journey ahead into what is still unknown.  We know not toward that which we journey, but as my Colorado t-shirt states so well: "The journey is the destination."  We'll do our best to take in the moment and not miss out on the daily blessings, the daily lessons, and the daily opportunities to serve.  

We hope you'll do the same.  

Much love,

Hatteras Jack and Do-Rag

Friday, August 1, 2014

Last Section of the Trail and Afterward

Reality hits hard I’ve learned.  We’re back in Oxford, which is exciting, but all of a sudden the responsibilities are pouring in, and so things like pictures and blogs have taken a back burner.  Ben had started a blog several days ago, but time with family too precedence (as it should!) and now that we’re in town I am not sure that he will finish (priorities you know).  I suppose I can give him a break, since he is trying to find a way to earn a living so we can eat.  :)  I’ll see what I can do to help.  Back to the drawing board for both of us!  Jobs and a place to live to come soon, we hope.    

In the meantime, though, I thought I would post a couple things to finish up our thoughts and stories from the trail.  We have SO many stories that we could probably write a small book, so I’ll just sum up a few of the highlights of our last few days on the trail and shortly after:

-We saw two very young bear cubs climb a pine tree (with mama sitting hidden below).  As I was hiking I heard crashing and was hoping it wasn’t Ben falling down the mountainside.  When I learned it was a small group of bears, I cautiously but excitedly looked on.  After watching them climb, we decided that hanging bear bags to preserve food is probably a waste of time—still a good idea to avoid getting mulled in a tent, but we’re guessing with such climbing skills, if a bear wants a food bag, he’ll get it somehow.  Pretty impressive.    

-After our crazy evening on the Continental Divide, the monsoon weather patterns were rather good to us.  In fact, overall, I think we really lucked out on weather for this trip.  Countless times we saw isolated storms in one direction or another, but we were rarely hit, and the temperatures stayed cool, usually between 35 and 60 or so.  Hiking down into Durango was quite shocking—our hitch took us into town to a campground, where it was a whopping 93 degrees.  I wanted to go back to the mountains…

-One of our trail friends, Bergie, lives near Denver and was able to meet us for breakfast in Boulder once we returned.  So fun!  We hope to stay connected with her and meet up when we are in the area. 

-The wild flowers were astounding, almost to the very end of the trail.  I never really appreciated wild flowers until this trip. 

-We easily found a hitch into Durango, without thumbing at all.  Tedda offered us a ride before we even finished up the trail—we were so grateful.  She and her dog were finishing up a morning hike, and I guess we looked like we needed a ride.

-Thanks to Carver’s pub, Ben and I both received a free Colorado Trail Brown Ale once we got into Durango, a generous offering to those who thru-hike the Colorado Trail. 

-Ben has quite a trout story from our last night on the trail.  I hope he can write about it at some point, but if not, next time you see him, ask him about it.  It’s pretty great. 

-After the trail, we decided it was time to once again summit Long’s Peak.  I forgot how scary it is at times!  It was a much different climb than anything we were doing on the Colorado Trail.  It felt good to get up to 14,000+ feet and not feel terribly winded due to the lack of oxygen.  Our bodies had adjusted to 12,000+ feet on the trail, so a couple thousand more didn’t seem to faze us too much.  What a beautiful mountain!  Thanks, David, for summiting with us!! 

-We’ve had several days now of eating super well thanks to relatives in both Boulder and Oklahoma (thanks Bonnie, Joe, Carolyn, John, Jan, and Dwight!), so we’ve gained back a good portion of the weight we lost on the trail and are feeling good.  Our blisters are about gone by now, and our backs feel much better.  We feel well-fed and ready to face the world—mostly.  :)

I wish there was a way for me to transpose what we’ve experienced into words or pictures or videos, to share the depth of the trail, but there doesn’t seem to be a way to capture the last several weeks or put into words how we are feeling or what we learned.  I guess my best encouragement is, if you are in relatively good health, get out and experience the beauty God has created in the world around us.  Otherwise, we’ll share the best we can!  Pictures and few more thoughts to come, and then we’ll put a cap on our posts and move into this next phase of our lives.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

A Special Thanks

Ben and I wanted to take just a few moments to thanks some very special people for adding something super to our trip:

Thanks so much to Ben's parents, Bonnie and Joe, for not only taking time to drop us off at the trail head near Denver, but then taking time off work to drive all the way to Durango to pick us up.  Not only that, but they brought us special treats, paid for lodging, and took care of our vittles.  This is the first time we've had the same people drop us off and pick us up before and after a trip.  Bonnie and Joe, you guys are awesome, and we are so grateful!  

A very special thanks to our friend Stefan, who not only flew into Durango to meet us after the trail, but rented a car on our behalf, paid for our lunch in Durango, and treated us to the hot springs in Pagosa, a much-needed healing soak for us.  Stefan, we are so grateful to have your friendship, and our bodies are thanking you for the hot springs.  Thanks for bending over backwards and adjusting your schedule to come spend some time with us.  


A big thank you to David Coffey, Ben's brother, for joining us on a section of the trail.  It was so awesome to have someone come share in our experience with us.  David, we hope there are many more times of sharing these adventures with you!  

Thanks to all of you who emailed, Facebooked, or posted on our blog.  We were so encouraged by your words!  Sorry we did not have a lot of internet access and time to respond to all of you comments, but they were all greatly appreciated.  We felt (and still feel) very loved and supported!  

It's the relationships that we have with all of you that makes our experiences worthwhile.  Thanks for being a part of our lives and sharing in our journey with us!  

Friday, July 25, 2014


Well, we've been off the trail and "in civilization" for a few days now--I've been amazed at how much my mind has been processing since then.  I've been on long backpacking trips before, but it seems to me that this trip has brought on the most contemplation and that of all the trails I've done, this one is taking the most energy to readjust to life outside of the mountains and my daily hiking routine.  I am most certainly enjoying having all modern amenities at my fingertips, from flush toilets to fresh foods, but a large part of me longs to be back in the mountains, in the simplicity of waking, packing up, eating, hiking, unpacking, gathering firewood, eating, enjoying, and going to bed.  

One thing that struck me right away as we headed into town, freshly off the trail, was the overwhelming sea of choices.  I have this horrible habit of picking the skin on my thumbs--I've been doing it since second grade--but since getting onto the trail last month, the habit has only returned when heading into town.  Without even realizing it, as soon as I stepped foot in Durango, or even shortly before, the habit returned.  Going from such simplicity and so few choices to the onslaught of decisions we then had to make was overload on my nerves.  It makes me wonder if, as a society, we've just surplussed ourselves with choices that, in the end, really don't make our lives any better but only more stressful and complicated.  I am challenging myself to try to find how to simplify my life when I return to Ohio.  I have found much joy and beauty in the simplicity.  

As we neared the end of the trail, Ben and I also had some good conversation about competition and comparison, spurred on by a brief encounter with a day hiker on the trail.  We were a day and a half and about 20 miles from Durango and finishing our 500-mile trek when we came upon a couple who inquired about our journey.  When the man found out we were hiking the entire trail, he responded by informing us that there was a girl who had set a record on another trail by averaging 44 miles a day.  This comment was followed by "So how many miles are you doing a day?"

Wham.  It was like a slap in the face really.  Ben and I have both done big hiking miles before, but we had vowed to each other to slow down and enjoy everything this trail had to offer.  We were content with our 15-mile-a-day average, which left us with time and energy to build fires, talk with other hikers, write post cards, journal, and enjoy dinner together.  But all of a sudden, this one comment of comparison was threatening to take away the joy we had found in our daily routine.  Now we were questioning ourselves--why weren't we pushing harder?  Are we lazy or inferior?  What's wrong with us?  

One of my favorite quotes of all time is "Comparison is the thief of joy."  I was letting this man steal my joy right out from underneath me.  I found myself walking away from the conversation feeling a bit defeated as well as a bit of anger that this man would dare to attempt to steal my joy.  I wanted to defend myself, to make my case, to prove I was still worthy of something.

However, it didn't last too long as I realized he could only take my joy if I allowed him to.  I bet Miss 44-miles-a-day didn't have fires as night or take time to smell the wild flowers or have entertaining conversations with other hikers.  I bet she didn't take a side trail to a rocky outcropping to inhale a breath-taking view or watch the sunset over the mountains with brilliant colors painting the sky.  No, she can keep her record, and I'll keep my joy.  

Now I am grateful for the man who dared to compare me, as it has since spurred me to contemplate why we are so quick to compare and compete.  My second challenge to myself as I return to my home and friends is to find contentment with whatever I have, wherever I am, and to stop comparing myself to others--to find joy with who I am and what God has given me.  

I am reminded of Paul when he writes to the Philippians, when he says "...I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength."  He found contentment in all circumstances, from prison to riches, and this is the kind of joy and contentment for which I strive, the kind that cannot to stolen by others.  I also want to share and bring out this joy and contentment in others rather than steal it away.  It is a difficult battle to fight, but I want to strive to limit my comparisons.  After all, "Comparison is the thief of joy."  

Few Pics

We hope to get our pics organized and posted somewhere online, but until then, here are a few to get you started.

The end of the trail!

Monday, July 21, 2014


Ben and I have returned to civilization!  We are in Durango, Colorado...we finished up the trail early this afternoon! 

It still feels a bit I am still processing the fact that we are not in the mountains and that I don't have to hike 15+ miles tomorrow.  I think it may take a few days to really feel like we are finished. 

I have lots to write about, but for now, I think we are going to go explore Durango and get some chow.  My stomach is grumbling.  :) 

We should have a few more interesting posts within the next few days.  We've had some good conversations and some really interesting encounters, so stay tuned...


Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Greetings from Silverton, Colorado!  We hadn't necessarily planned to come into town, but we found out there was a hostel here that was the same price as the campground where we had planned to stay, so it seemed to make sense to choose a bed over the ground...we've already happily showered and are working on our stinky laundry.  In the meantime, we've walked around town just a bit, and it looks much like an old western movie, dirt roads and all!

It's been quite the adventure since our last posts.  Let me see if I can put it together for you:

Of the last 4 days of hiking, we must have spent about 2 1/2 of those days above tree line, often following the Continental Divide.  Due to the treeless areas, we've had amazing view after amazing view.  It's really hard to describe, and I don't have my camera with me here at the library, but I hope to post pictures soon after we finish in Durango.  It was one step after another of breath-taking beauty.

We finally saw a moose!  Two, actually, and then shortly after saw a whole herd of elk, and just this morning we saw a bear!  All the large wildlife seems to be coming at once.

Last night's camping was quite the experience: we spent part of the evening fretting for our lives as hail rained down on our tent, thunder boomed, and lightening flashed while we were camping on the Divide (above tree line and exposed).  The sky looked decent when we set up camp, but by the time we cooked dinner, the sky was looking menacing.  I should have known better.

I spent a good portion of the evening praying for God's mercy on my stupidity to camp in such an area.  Thank God, he spared us.  After the first smaller, but still scary, storm passed over, two massive storms, one east of us and one west of us, amazingly passed by without hitting us.  When the storms finally passed, we unstaked the tent and carried it a couple hundred yards away to a spot that was at least a little bit lower.  By then, it was dark.  I fell asleep soon after, exhausted by my emotional state, but Ben stayed up a while, keeping an eye on the continuing lightening.  Either way, I learned a good lesson about camping above tree line, and I am praising God for keeping us safe.  Whew.

We found out that monsoon season happens down here just shortly after July 4, so we've had some interesting weather patterns.  Today, we were hailed on twice--usually seeing the sun about two minutes after.  We go from freezing cold to being over-heated, taking jackets and long sleeves on and off, on and off.  It's a bit crazy!  We are anticipating some kind of rain and storms every day for the rest of our trek.

By now, we've traveled over 400 miles and are starting to feel a bit weary...our legs are strong, but our backs seem to be giving us trouble, and the sun exposure at high altitudes is hard to combat, even with strong sun screen.  Sometimes we feel like we are 80, hobbling around camp in the evening.  We are still loving it out here, but I think we are also starting to feel a bit homesick.  Sometimes we day dream about hot tubs and real meals.

We should be finishing up our trek within the next 6 days or so, and so we'll soak up every minute.  The high altitudes continue with beautiful views everywhere, and we'll hope to have campfires about every night as we have had most of the previous nights.  The peace of the wilderness continues to baffle us, and our conversations continue as well.

Looking forward to Durango!  Ben's parents will be driving all the way from Boulder to pick us up.  We're really grateful and look forward to seeing them, and then seeing some of you soon when we head back to O-town at the end of the month.

Much love,


Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Good, Bad, & Ugly

                                                                 The Good, Bad, & Ugly 

We are now three weeks into our Colorado Trail adventure, and here are a few observations.


A big thank you to all the kind people we have met on the trail. A couple of days ago Kim and I met "Apple," the famed trail angel, who spends six weeks each summer catering to the needs of backpackers. We met him in a remote section of the trail, at 7:30 am,  and he treated us to a cup of hot coffee and great conversation.

A compass. I have rarely used this device on other trips, but this simple device has saved us from disaster more than once this trip.

The three beavers who entertained us the other night, while we ate dinner and drank hot chocolate. I am certainly happy these little fellas did not go extinct during the 1840's beaver-hat-fad.  Wow!

The town of Creede, which is unique, beautiful, and full of the nicest people a backpacker could ever hope to meet.

The wildflowers have been spectacular. We have seen all shades of columbine, paintbrush, and other flora. Thanks Mom for teaching me all their names!

Designated Wilderness Areas: I never paid much attention to these areas before this trip, but I am starting to think they are America's hidden treasures. They offer spectacular views and terrain, but they get little notice
from the public and have no fees.

The mosquitoes have been furious at times. I tossed one into the campfire the other night, after it ambushed me, but it rose from the flames unharmed. At this point I fled to my tent.

People who carry weapons while backpacking. We met a hiker the other day carrying a rifle, a dagger, and a large machete. Yikes!

The three bicyclists who raided "Apple's" stash of trail goodies meant for other hikers. Not cool taking more than your share!


We came across a naked couple washing themselves and using the facilities in the creek we were using as our water source. Yuck!



We've made it to mile 343!  Thanks to Mom for updating our blog for us when we didn't have access to a computer!  

Finding a computer has been a lot more difficult than I imagined.  I am currently at the Chamber of Commerce in Creede, where the women there have been nice enough to let me use one of their computers--Creede doesn't have a public library in the summer, evidently.  It's inside the school building, and the school is closed for the summer.  Without any "smart phones" or other such devices, we are at the mercy of kind people like Dela and Pam at the Creede chamber.  So grateful!  

I find a great desire to stay connected, but as I am looking forward, I am not sure we will be able to blog again until we reach the end and head back to Boulder.  I'll see what we can do, but this may be our last access until the finish.  

We hitched into Creede yesterday afternoon, which was an adventure.  To get to Creede, we had to take a 1 mile side trail down from San Luis Pass, hit a crazy forest service road, and find a way to make the 10-mile trek into town.  We had hoped to find a ride somehow, but one never really knows what to expect, and as we began walking the road, we only passed 2 parked cars within 2-3 miles of walking.  We were figuring on walking the entire canyon road until Philip, a previous CT thru-hiker, just happened to pass by and stopped to give us a ride.  We were so grateful and were convinced God is watching out for us.  We have yet to have any issues getting rides to and from the trail and have been so blessed by the kindnesses of others.

On the way down, he gave us the grand tour of all the old mining operations in the canyon...I have never seen such large and high mines!  It must have been crazy to see them in action back in the late 1800s.  As we wove our way down the crazy dirt road, the canyon suddenly opened up and there was the town of Creede.  It's a lovely little town, and we have so enjoyed our stay.  

We unfortunately found the town to be completely booked due to a wood-carving expo, but the only motel in town offered us a bunk in their laundry room.  It was a little odd having people come in and out to do laundry and get ice, but we were grateful for a bed and have since had time to walk around and explore the little town.  Great fun, and everyone here has been so kind to us.  I asked Ben if we could live here..  :)  

We are mostly taking the day off in Creede, to explore some more and enjoy the town and give our feet and backs a much-needed break.  The blisters continue to, well, blister, and our backs seem to be wearing daily.  A day of rest will provide the healing we need to get back on the trail.  We have a ride set up for 4:30 back up the canyon road, where we will be dropped off hopefully at the trail head to hike the 1-mile trail back up to the pass, but the road gets so rough we may have to be dropped 2 miles prior and hike 3 miles late this afternoon to get back on the trail.  We'll camp right at the pass and continue on the CT in the morning.  

One of our favorite evenings on the trail so far was shared with a fellow hiker, Andrea, in the La Garita Wilderness.  We camped in a valley right next to a steep rock outcropping, so we cooked our dinners and headed up to sit on the rocks and overlook the valley.  As we sat, we had the privilege of looking down on a beaver dam--and watching a beaver at work!  We sipped hot chocolate afterward and watched him swim around.  I felt like I was watching an episode of "Wild America"--I could almost hear Marty Stouffer narrating in the background.  Ben said the show got even better after I headed down for bed--two more beavers came out to play.  

From here, the trail looks like it gets even more rugged as we soon head into the San Juans.  We've been hearing from multiple hikers that the San Juans are just beautiful, so we are really looking forward to our last days on the trail.  The danger of lightening also increases, though, as we stay above treeline and at higher elevations for longer periods of time.  We will have to carefully plan our days of hiking.  So far, we've always been coming DOWN a mountain when the scary clouds come in rather than heading into the ridge lines.  

Our next and last stop will be near Silverton, Colorado, at Molas Lake Campground, where we should have one more package waiting (thanks, Bonnie!).  Our end date should be July 23rd in Durango!  

Love to you all--thanks again for keeping up with us.  We look forward to returning to Oxford soon!  


Restoring Faith

Maybe I've mentioned this quote before, but our good hiking buddy, Pa Bert, once said that being on a trail “restored his faith in humanity” (more specifically, the Appalachian Trail).  It seems sometimes we lose sight of the good deeds and loving, random acts of kindness performed every day when we are instead swamped with news of murders and bombings and dishonesty and unfaithfulness.  I’m not suggesting we ignore some of the awful things that happen in our neighborhoods and do what we can to stop it—but instead I am suggesting that we also pay attention to the good things, the out-of-the-heart things, and be grateful, and in turn be givers of such. 

Today, Ben and I were on the receiving end of one of those random acts of kindness.  We were sulking just a bit about a short climb we knew was undoubtedly coming when Ben spotted a parking lot with a picnic shelter.  Thinking there might also be a bathroom, Ben went to inspect.  Not only did he find a restroom, but he also found a group of kayakers who were gathered for a week of river fun (they’ve been gathering for 25 years!).  They saw his backpack and invited him to breakfast—so he came over to invite me as well.  We stayed for a bit and enjoyed breakfast burritos, bacon, cobbler, fresh lattés, and chocolate cake.  It was a wonderful surprise and the best “trail magic” we’ve had thus far. 

After that, our climb seemed like nothing.  Powered by caffeine and love and care from someone else, we felt like nothing could stop us.  Our legs were strong and our hearts were warmed with such kindnesses from others. 

We’ve all heard “love your neighbor as yourself,” but what about strangers?  These kayakers reached out to two stinky hikers they’d never met and offered much-needed calories and warm conversation.  What if I worked on “trail magic” in my everyday life?  What if you did, too?  :)

Life on the trail—if certainly does do something to restore my faith in humanity and reminds me that there is still a lot of goodness in the world, both in the Lord’s creation around me and in His greatest creation—human kind.  

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Poncha Springs Campground

Hey, This is Kim's Mom, Teri.  Kim texted me briefly this evening and asked if I could update the blog because they have no internet service right now and very poor cell reception.  Kim and Ben are at a campground near Ponch Springs, and I am happy to hear they crossed their halfway mark this morning.  When she texted, they were at highway 50 at about mile 253 waiting for a camp store to open so they can get the package they mailed to themselves.  They are hoping to be in Creede in 6 days with better cell reception and computer access so she can call and blog.  The weather has been mostly good though getting warmer and more humid as they reach slightly lower elevations.  Kim and Ben had some awesome trail magic this morning by some river rafters who gave them breakfast burritos, lattes, cobbler, and chocolate cake!  I could hear her excitement through the text!  I imagine they thought they reached Heaven!  Kim said they thought they would stay at the campground but the magic powered them up for their next climb so decided to head back out on the trail.  True backpackers!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Another Leadville Post

After a nice break at a local coffee shop here in Leadville, Ben and I have made it to the library to spend a little more time on the internet, checking weather reports and news before heading back to the hostel.  Our evening will consist of our first meal out since leaving on the trail—we are heading to Quincey’s, per recommendation of Ben’s brother, David.  We don’t get much meat out on the trail, so it looks like we might eat steak for dinner.  Mmmm!  I am hoping they have some veggies, too, as my body is screaming for fresh greens.  Today marks day 12 of the trail, so we still have about 3 weeks to go. 

We successfully picked up package #2 at the Leadville Hostel, where we will be staying this evening.  It might be the nicest hostel we’ve ever encountered—everything a hiker could ever want.  They even thought to have extra clean clothes for us to wear around town (“town clothes”) while we washed our own dirty laundry!  Hot showers, clean laundry, some sort of bed, and a good meal are about all a hiker can ask for, and it looks like we’ll get all of them here in Leadville. 

The trail has definitely become more rugged since the beginnings, but it was a welcomed change, as it seems the more difficult the challenge, the more beautiful the views.  We’ve trudged through some rather deep snow, almost gotten lost when the trail was covered in a large snow field, and had some pretty intense climbs.  The rewards, though, have been some indescribable views from the snowy tops of passes—pictures can’t do justice.  We would have spent more time at the tops, but most of the time it is bitter cold and windy up there, so we take in as much as we can (a couple minutes!) and head back down.  Some days we go from winter hats and bundles to a t-shirt and shorts in a matter of an hour or two. 

I shouldn’t deceive you into thinking that every moment on the trail is a dream vacation.  Ben and I have had several instances of getting frustrated with each other due to frustrations with the trail, and sometimes the trail, like life, can become mundane.  We had a good discussion yesterday about how to live in the moment and not miss out, even if the trail seems the same as it did several hours ago.  It’s easy to let our minds live somewhere else—like what we will eat when we get to town, how many miles we have to go, how much our feet or back hurts, etc.  Some days we spend a good portion of time in a “tree tunnel,” and it’s difficult to live in those moments.  We are challenging each other to figure out how to embrace those times, too, and I hope we can bring what we learn into our everyday lives back in Oxford, when life seems to get too “ordinary.” 

I think one thing I have found that makes those moments important is the conversations and life I share with others, whether that is with Ben or other hikers we meet along the way.  The people make it interesting when the trail lacks a bit.  “Happiness only real when shared” from “Into the Wild” comes to mind.  Life is better when it’s shared.  The mundane somehow becomes less so, and then the exciting things even more so when we include others in the process. 

So, I guess my encouragement is this: live in the moment, and share life with those around you.  Take an interest in someone else—invest in them, listen to them, love them.  It’s worth it when you share. 

Thinking of you back home! 

Hatteras Jack and Do-Rag

P.S.  The mosquitoes have gotten worse!  :)
P.P.S.  I guess Ben found an article back in 2009 that said there was only one wolverine left in Colorado, so we are trying to figure out if what we saw really were two wolverines or not.  If so, it might be a big deal!  We'll try to keep you posted on that, too.  UPDATE: After much research and talking with other hikers, we have concluded that the animals we saw were only marmots...very LARGE marmots.  

Update From Leadville!

Ben and I are doing fine, though still dealing with some blisters and pain, but I think it’s getting better.  We took a short day today and then hitched into Leadville, so we’ll get the afternoon off to relax and enjoy some town food tonight.  :)

We ended up hitting significantly more snow in segments 7, 8 and 9, but we survived.  You’ll see a couple pictures of it below.  We did lose the trail several times due to large snow fields, but our confidence is building and we’ve gotten better at poking around in the snow and climbing up until we can figure out which way the trail heads.  A couple times we’ve had to use a map and compass, but a challenge is nice.  I think for now we are done with snow, though.  Next up: the Collegiate Peaks!  We hope to reach the Monarch Spur Campground for our next resupply in about 5 days.  

The aspen groves are incredible...

We have seen SO many hummingbirds!  I had no idea there were so many in the Rockies. We have even seen a male in his mating ritual to win a female: He flies WAY up in the air and then dive bombs and goes right back up.  He does this several times and then sits and looks for a female to be impressed.


We were all excited because we thought these animals were wolverines, but since investigating online and talking with other hikers here at the hostel, we are a bit disappointed to find out they are only marmots.  Oh well.

Lots of snow on some of the passes....

Thursday, June 26, 2014


We made it!

I had hoped to post some incredible pictures to jazz up the blog a bit, but unfortunately, I am at a library that evidently has some pretty ancient computer technology.  So, very sorry, but you'll have to wait until we can find a good working computer.

In the meantime, I'll give you some updates on our hiking adventure thus far (our first 105 miles):


1.  Fortunately, we have only been caught in one lightening storm so far, and we were amongst some safe trees instead of on a ridge (thank God).  It was still a little scary, but it's expected out here.  The weather patterns are amazingly consistent so far: clear, blue skies in the morning, small cloud formations over the mountains around 11am or 12pm, and then thunder and potential rain around 1pm or 2pm, sometimes later.  It's incredible.  In fact, Ben and I were on Georgia Pass, our highest point yet at about 12,000 feet, and around 11am, we literally saw a cloud forming before our eyes, right above our heads!

2.  We've seen lots of exciting animal poop, but not a lot of animal sightings yet.  We've seen a lot of moose poop and prints, some bear poop, and we've seen a lot of little critters like squirrels and chipmunks.  We've had a few deer sightings, but we're hoping to see a moose (from afar!) before our trip ends.  They are pretty elusive.  We did have information come to us that there was evidence of a bear near where we had camped on our second night.  Good thing we hung our food!  :)

3.  Mosquitoes: the little buggers have not been terrible yet, but we've hit some fierce pockets of them here and there.  My solution is usually long pants and a rain coat.  It works pretty well.

4.  Foot problems!  Ben and I are both battling foot issues, from large blisters to just plain painful feet.  I think it will get better as we go along.  Blisters and pain are mostly to be expected when going on such a long trek.  Ben seems to lack padding in his shoes, so he bought some insoles here in Breckenridge in hopes of helping.

5.  Temps: it seems we go from cold to hot very quickly.  Our coldest night so far as been 32 degrees, and our highest temp has probably been upper 70s (thanks for the thermometer, David!).  We often bundle up only to quickly take off our layers as we hike--and then put the layers back on again when we stop for a break.

6.  Snow drifts: well, the inevitable has hit.  We finally went through some of this infamous snow everyone keeps talking about.  We had about 2 miles of climbing up and over large snow drifts, often plummeting down into them as we "postholed" up to our waist.  Needless to say, it was slooooow travel, but we made it.  I even slid down a couple of them.  Rather than get too frustrated, we tried to see it as a challenge and spent some time laughing at each other when we fell through.  We anticipate more snow as we head out of Breckenridge.  I will say this: it is EXHAUSTING hiking over and through large drifts.  I think we each ate extra dinner that night.  

7.  Altitude: though neither of us has experienced too much of a problem with altitude, we've definitely noticed a bit of a struggle to breath as we hike up to higher altitudes.  We especially noticed on our way up to Georgia Pass yesterday--Ben seemed ok but I was drawing in air like I had been underwater holding my breath!  I think it will get better as we continue south and get acclimated a bit more.

So far, the trip has been everything it was expected to be.  The mountains are gorgeous, of course, and we've experienced a lot of variety of landscape, from meadows to the bare open space above tree line. We've had time to talk about some of our "topics" on a list we made pre-departure, and we've had times of silence as we hike together.  I often forget how important silence is.  When I feel drowned in the noise of computers, cars, people, music, technology, machines, etc., I forget how important it is to escape and experience silence.  It was much welcomed, and I hope I can bring some of that peace back with me into my everyday, often chaotic life.

Ben went to the post office to send some stuff back home, otherwise I'd have him say a bit or two.  I'm sure he would remember some of the funnier things that have happened.  I will try to have him do a post in Leadville.

Thanks to everyone who has been praying for us.  God has kept us safe and healthy, and we appreciate all of your support.

Our next stop: Leadville (about 66 miles away).  We have a box waiting for us at the hostel there in town and hope to make it in on July 1st!

Happy trails to you!


Hatteras Jack and Do-Rag

P.S.  Our next stop before leaving Breckenridge: the local rec center so we can take showers!!!!!!  :)

Friday, June 20, 2014

Departure Day!

Well, here we are!  We are minutes away from departure and a 45 minute drive to the trailhead.  Thanks to Ben’s parents, Bonnie and Joe, who got up extra early to take us this morning.  We hope to hike about 11.7 miles today and another 15.7 miles tomorrow.  We recently found out that Ben’s brother, David, will be meeting us tomorrow (Saturday) morning at a parking lot to hike one night with us.  We’ll be happy to have company! 

Our hike today will start at about 5520 feet elevation, and we will end the day around 7200.  As the trail progresses, we will slowly gain elevation and reach our highest point further down the trail, topping out at 12760 feet about 7 miles after San Luis Pass.  It will take us a while to get there. 
We should be arriving in Breckenridge, Colorado, sometime around July 28th or 29th, and so we hope to have another update then.  Our goal is to get a hot shower at the rec center, pick up our package at the post office, maybe grab a fresh meal, attempt to find a computer to update the blog, and then head back out to the trail.  

Thanks for the prayers and support!  We hope to have exciting stories and insights to share as we go along.  Much love to all of our family in friends! 

-Hatteras Jack and Do-Rag

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Black Swans of the Colorado Trail

The Black Swans of the Colorado Trail

Last Memorial Day, I was sitting on my porch enjoying my coffee and my copy of USA Today, when I read a most disturbing headline: Beaver Attacks and Kills Man in Belarus. “A beaver?” I marveled. “A beaver?” I had never considered beavers to be a threat to humanity. In fact, I had long considered them to be cute and docile woodland creatures, yet there were the callous details in dark callous print. This beaver had sauntered-up to an innocent fisherman, bit him in a major artery, laughed with impunity, and swam away.  “First degree murder…” I frowned, drinking my last sip. “Beavers are not to be trusted!

A year later, I am pleased to announce that outside of Virginia, Homeland Security has prevented a pandemic of beaver attacks on American soil; however, as Kim and I prepare to take our hike this summer, I have begun to consider the real dangers of the Colorado Trail. If a red-eyed, demon beaver can kill a man in Belarus, I am sure a buck-toothed monster in the Collegiate Peaks would have no problem gnawing his way through the Nylon walls of our two-man tent.

Now, I know you may not be hiking the Colorado Trail anytime soon, but you need to know that the Centennial State is not the utopic paradise John Denver has made it out to be. It is a dangerous place, where the mountains are capped in shrouds of unpredictability. Anything can happen here… Anything!

Interestingly, in 2001 an economist named Nassim Taleb addressed this very topic. No, he did not hike the Colorado Trail, but in his book Fooled by Randomness he warns his readers that they need to spend more time preparing for unpredictable events. He terms these events “Black Swans” because they are rare, impactful, and almost unimaginable, like the Great Boston Molasses Tragedy of 1919 (Ugh!).

Thus, for your benefit, I will now list the “Black Swan” events that could impact or derail our upcoming adventure.


                Wildlife is a major concern on this trip, but I am not concerned about the usual suspects. Yes, bears can cause trouble for hikers, but in general they spend over 200 days a year in a deep torpor (hibernation), and when they do awake, they tend to rummage through garbage cans, Toyota Corolla’s, and KFC dumpsters. In fact, only five people have ever been killed in Colorado by bears, and one of the deceased met his untimely death by spraying two grizzly bears with a hose, which I think we all would agree is a bad idea. Mountain lions, also known as “long tails” and “ghost cats,” are not a primary concern either. Only two people in Colorado have ever been felled by one of these animals, and unless Kim and I start dressing in our mule deer buckskins, the danger should be minimal.

No, I think our major concern on this trip will be the unruly ungulates that have been pugnaciously ambushing the local residents. These “Black Swans” consist of the hoofed animals we might encounter with horns, antlers, and bad attitudes. Case in point: last month, a Black Hawk woman had just left her house to walk her dog Puddles, when a large-disheveled moose pounced upon her. Of course, she had done nothing to provoke the attack. The beast simply pounded her into the ground with all the forcefulness of a Riverdance clogger. It was a truly Black Swan event!  She survived the attack, yet she suffered multiple broken bones, several stiches, and the indignity of being covered in moose drool. I don’t know if you have ever been on the receiving end of a moose attack, but it is a most unfortunate event that includes a rhythmic cycle of hoofs, antlers, grunts… hoofs, antlers, grunts. I would like to say this particular moose attack was as isolated as the mad beaver in Belarus, but it is not; there have been many ungulate attacks in Colorado over the years. Just last fall, an Estes Park woman was trampled by an elk outside her apartment, and five years ago, a Florissant woman was gored by a mule deer. I would like to believe that Kim and I won’t meet a similar fate on the trail, but I can certainly imagine one of us opening our tent fly, only to meet a menagerie of hooves, antlers, and grunts…

                My other concern is that we may be intruding upon some of Colorado’s most endangered species (i.e. ptarmigans, lynx, cutthroat trout, bigfoot, and pika). The pika, which looks like a hamster and squeaks like a squeeze toy, is perhaps my favorite animal on the list. Unfortunately, Global Warming is quickly pushing these cute little buggers towards extinction, and I am worried that in their desperation, they may decide to take some of us backpackers out with them. I know such retribution may seem unlikely, but the 1964, horror movie Night of the Lepus seems to predict that such an attack may be imminent.


 I have been asked more than once if I “pack-heat,” while backpacking. The answer is of course “No.” One, the thought of dragging a heavy weapon into the mountains of Colorado seems redundant, since I have a three-inch trout knife and two backpacking poles.  Two, most of the “bad guys” prefer urban settings with Taco Bell’s, which are far more lucrative than remote campsites. Three, Kim took karate when she was 10, so I am confident that she will be able to deal with any of the amateur criminals we may encounter along our trip.

Nevertheless, I have noticed that we are backpacking dangerously close to the federal penitentiary known as Super Max. If you are not aware of this facility, it was designed to confine the worst criminals in the United States, including Eric Rudolph (Olympic Bomber), James Marcello (Chicago mob boss), Zacarias Moussaoui (9/11 mastermind), and Michael Swango (serial killer).  It is often referred to affectionately as the Alcatraz of the Rockies. Yes, Super Max is designed to prevent inmates from escaping, but we do not have to look back far in the Colorado annuals to be reminded that serial killer Ted Bundy escaped twice from the Garfield County Jail in Aspen; therefore, if we do have a chance encounter with an escapee such as Richard Reid (the shoe-bomber), I better sharpen my trout knife, hide my boots, and let Kim bust-out her Tsuki Waza. 



                Both Kim and I have back-packed up Mount Washington, in New Hampshire, so we are used to extreme weather patterns; nevertheless, Colorado will certainly offer us a buffet of new weather patterns and events that we have not seen before. Our biggest concern will be the super-sonic thunderstorms that ravage the landscape every day about 1:24 pm MST. Colorado ranks fifth in lighting deaths, so we will have to be sure to get down to safe altitudes long before the thunder begins to roll. Unfortunately, lightning strikes travel differently in Colorado than in other states.  If we were hiking in Kansas, the lightning would simply strike the ground and that would be that; unfortunately, a lightning strike in Colorado can travel through the entire side of a mountain before it reaches its final destination, so if Kim and I are in contact with any part of a rock on that mountain, we may be the recipient of 100,000 + volts. It only takes 30+ volts to kill a human, so this could be quite problematic for our future blog posts. In 1999, a herd of elk found this out the hard way, as a single bolt of lightning traveled through a large plateau of granite, killing 56 of them on Mt. Evans.                


Even though the thunderstorms will be quite menacing at times, Kim and I will need to be more on guard for the Black Swan events, such as summer blizzards, microbursts, and the exquisite mountain tornado. Yes, even though tornados have been told to stay on the eastern plains of Colorado, every-once in a while, one gets curious and decides to take a whirl on a distant mountain-top. In 2012, a small tornado on Mt. Evans touched-down at nearly 12,000 feet above sea level. The dark funnel did not inspire the same awe and fear displayed in the movie twister; in fact most witnesses described it as “cute” and “cool.” Still, I don't want to be trying to run-away from a tornado two-and-a-half-miles above sea level. I will pass out and be carried away like Elijah in a whirlwind.  Plus, my Colorado Trail guide does not mention anything about tornado shelters on the trail. Perhaps, this is a mere oversight?

                                                                                 Bad Trail Magic

On the Appalachian Trail, backpackers are often presented with small gifts from local residents. These gifts are often left anonymously along the trailside and include fresh fruit, snacks, beer, sodas, and even money. I was fortunate enough to have one couple put-me-up in a hotel for a night and buy me dinner at an Italian restaurant. The other hikers were very jealous. We have been told that there may be some trail magic on the Colorado Trail as well, but I am fearful that this trail magic may be our ultimate undoing.   

On November 6, 2012, Colorado residents voted to legalize recreational marijuana use. While Kim and I have seen no direct evidence of this mandate, we may be subject to some interesting baked goods along the trail. While I would like to think that I could resist a “special brownie” in the wilderness, my extreme hunger may lead me to become an unwilling victim of Amendment 64. Even worse, one of the unruly ungulates may a take a few bites as well, leading to even more hoofs, more antlers, and more grunts….This trip is going to be hard enough without having to worry about a half-baked moose chasing Kim and I down the trail! Also, it is important to note, that more people in Colorado have died in the past year as a result of pot edibles than of rattlesnake bites in the past 100 years. I just wanted you to know…


I hate to bring up the “c-word” before this trip has even started, but there is a small possibility that Kim and I will have to eat each other or someone else before we reach Durango. Now, of course we both hope this does not happen. It would be a total “buzzkill,” and I am sure the survivor would not be invited to next year’s Thanksgiving celebration. Still, let it be known that we both awkwardly agreed not to eat each other if times get tough. Still… I have to admit that I am slightly worried because we have nothing in writing. Nothing….

I only bring-up the topic of cannibalism because we will be staying in the same town (Lake City) where the notorious Alfred Packer was tried for cannibalizing five of his companions way back in 1873. Now, if you live out of state and have not heard the tale of Alfred Packer, do not be alarmed, but every true resident of Colorado can tell you this grizzly story because it has been mandated for years in core curriculum for third grade. It is a right of passage and probably the most unusual Black Swan event imaginable.

Overall, I think we should have a very good trip. I do not anticipate having to run from tornados, hide from moose, or consider eating anything but Mountain House dinners. If a Black Swan event does hit us, we will pray that it is minimal and worthy of a great story when we get back.